Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

History Of Corruption In Indonesia

Corruption in Indonesia is 'entrenched' long ago, before and after independence, in the era of the Old Order, New Order, continued until the Reformation era. Various efforts have been made to eradicate corruption, but theresults are are still far from the truth .

Historians in Indonesia are generally less interested in studies focusing on economic history, particularly about the corruption associated with power by the nobles of the kingdom, empire, Dutch officials (Amtenaren andBinenland Bestuur) and the Dutch East Indies government itself. Historians are more interested in political history and social studies, whereas the impact of aspects of economic history, particularly in the "culture of corruption" that is ingrained able to influence and even change the map of politics, both in the local scale thescope of the royal in question or a large scale is systems and patterns of governance in this archipelago. The system and pattern with strong teaching "fraudulent conduct, deceitful, uncivilian, amoral, opportunisticand other" and causes a lot of the very tremendous tragedy.

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