Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Reform Era

If the New Order era and earlier "corruption" is mostly done by the elites of government, then in the Reform Era almost all elements of the state administration has been affected "Virus of Corruption" is very fierce. In the era of the New Order government, corruption is so entrenched, irrefutable truth. New Order which aims to straighten and make corrections to a total of Orla and implement Pancasila and Dud 1945 in a pure and consistent, but it is happening is the New Order after a long time also rnenjadi Old Order and Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution has never been purely diamalkan, except in "konkesuen "alias" gradually ".
Later, President BJ Habibie has issued Law No. 28 of 1999 on a clean state and free of corruption following the formation of new bodies such as commissions or KPKPN, Commission or the Ombudsman institution, the next president, Abdurrahman Wahid established the Joint Team for Corruption Eradication (TGPTPK .)
This body was formed by presidential decree in the Attorney General Marzuki Darusman and led by Chief Justice Andi Andojo, however in the spirit of the passionate to rnemberantas corruption of members of the team, through a judicial review of the Supreme Court, TGPTPK eventually disbanded. Since then, Indonesia has suffered a setback in the effort. eradication of corruption.
In addition to dissolve TGPTPK, Gus Dur is also considered part of society can not show the leadership that can support efforts to combat corruption. His penchant for meetings outside the presidential agenda even in places that are not appropriate in his capacity as president, gave birth to the public suspicion that Gus Dur is in the process of high-level bargaining.
The process of examining cases of alleged corruption involving the conglomerate Sofyan Wanandi terminated by Termination Warrant Investigation (SP3) from the Attorney General Marzuki Darusman. Finally, Gus Dur scourged Buloggate case. Gus Dur's resignation, Megan was replaced by what is called a political compromise. Admiral Sukardi as State Enterprises did not escape the talk of the community because of its policy to sell state assets.
In the Megawati administration, we also rnelihat with invisible legal authority of the slump, in which the striking of the power authority. Look at how easily can troubled conglomerate outwit law enforcement agencies by reason of medical treatment abroad. Giving SP3 for Prajogo Pangestu, Marimutu Sinivasan, Sjamsul Nursalim, The Nien King, escape from bondage execution Samadikun Hartono Supreme Court decision, granting facilities to the conglomerates that debt MSAA jam, be strong evidence that the elites of government is not serious in efforts to combat corruption, the Society considers that government is still giving protection to the big businessmen who postscript contributes to the bankruptcy of the national economy. Governments are increasingly lost prestige. Later cases also rampant corruption in the era of the Reformation Parliament.
What lessons can be drawn from this description? It turned out that efforts to combat corruption is not as easy as brought likkan hand. Corruption is not only impede the country's development process towards a better, namely to increase people's welfare and poverty alleviation. Powerlessness in the face of strong laws, plus the lack of commitment from government elites rnenjadi contributing factors why corruption still thrives in Indonesia. All because the law does not equal justice, the law of the human brain comes from the ruler, while the justice come from the hearts of the people. (Amanahonline)

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