There is a postulate which says that corruption always follows the nature of power. In the sense that corruption exists in bothcentralized and decentralized governance. If the government of astate is centralized, corruption will also be centralized. The stronger the power is centralized, the greater the corruption casesin the center of power. In Indonesia, this is the case in the New Order. Conversely, if the government of a country is decentralized, such as regional autonomy, corruption will spread also to follow thepattern of decentralized governance. In other words, corrupt practices also occurred at local levels of government. Because thepower to move from one center of power into many autonomouscenters of power, corruption was followed to move from one centerof power to many centers of power. Situations like this happeningat present in Indonesia.
Bye definition, corruption as a deviant behavior is an act that violates the formal ethical rules made by someone in a position of public authority (ruler). Corruption tends to be done by people whohave power or authority over something. If someone does not havepower,
less likely for him to engage in corruption. However, it is animpossibility for humans who
do not have a 'power'. In addition,most major characteristic is an act of corruption was committed forpurely personal interests and benefits and harm others outsidehimself. The simplest example is a student who skipped lecturesand asked his friend to fill in the
attendance book. Indeed, he has made corruption because he has the power of presence and absence of himself in the classroom. He did it for his own benefit.
Looking at the context of corruption cases that occurred inIndonesia, corruption big fish, is a serious corruption that cost the state and society at large. Corruption is also not free fromproblems of power. The public official has intentionally abused his authority to act against the law for personal gain. A public officialwho holds the power (authority) automatically has the power toinfluence policies that will be issued. In accordance with the natureof power (political power), that is to control human behavior(society) is coercive (force) so that people are willing to submit to the state (government). In this case, any policy which is a trueeffect of a rule or code in accordance with the objectives of powerholders themselves. From here is an opportunity
for the occurrence of corruption is huge.
Referring the corruption case of Gayus Tambunan, can be explainedthat the acts of corruption committed by Gayus was made possiblebecause he has some power and authority. As we know that Gayus worked at the tax office, in the office of the Directorate General of Tax Review Objections. Such a position is easier to manipulate data, the influence of apolicy so that it can reap huge profits for itself. According tosources, Media Indonesia Gayus mode violation by utilizing its authority manifold. In his position as an employee of SubDirectorate of Appeals Directorate of Objection and Appeals, themid-2007 Gayus managed to win more than
40 cases of appeal of the company. Related to this, Gaius has a great chance to win theDirectorate General of Tax in tax court, namely the difference between winning an appeal play. For example, a taxpayer shouldpay tax to Rp 3 billion. Then he objected, and then rejected the appeal. In the tax courtupheld an appeal Gaius taxpayer. In addition, according to the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), allegedly manipulating Gaiusmode with play exchange tax dollars when dealing with tax BumiResources 2002-2005. The result of these manipulations lead toreduced tax liabilities up to U.S. $ 164.627 thousand. From thecase-case like this was Gaius managed to get such benefits. He has the cleverness and ingenuity that is a 'weapon' of a power andauthority.
Corruption crimes are committed by men of honor earlier. Thesecrimes can be done by individuals as individuals, or employees of the employer (the case of embezzlement).
A quick look at cases ofcorruption committed by Gaius, including actions in this category,
which is done by individuals as individuals for the benefit enjoyed byindividuals.
However, any alleged involvement of otherentrepreneurs, like Andi Kosasih, and officials from the Police,made the corruption case of Gaius (broker cases) as a form ofcorporate crimes (conducted by the organization, in the form oforganizational structure of mutual benefit and protect, as well asthrowing responsibilities). Actions like this are included in type
3 and type 4 is conveyed by Clinard and Quinney, the violations committed by the official policymaker for particularinterests of the employer or party; violations committed by acorporate agent against the public interest. In this regard, employerstake advantage of Gaius position to facilitate procedural taxarrangements, and even involve the police to cover up fraud that has been done
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