There are many factors that cause corruption, among others, is thecorporatism. Corporatism, in the realm of political-economicliterature, is often akin to political practice in which a government orruler to interact in a closed (o to be known by the community) withlarge private sector (business class snapper). In closure, theeconomic transactions of political mapun occurs only for the sake ofa handful of interest groups (interest group) is involved in it.Economy transactions are usually political or anything like thishappens informally in a hazy legal order or legal order that sided with the interests of small groups. The existence of this conspiracyas a big opportunity for the law to being played (mafia law) so that the law seorah if it had been held by the hands of certain
Corporatism system will lead to instability and the people becomethe aggrieved party. In practice, corporatism is usually concurrentwith other illicit practices of the so-called rent seeking (chasingrents) conducted by the ruling elite or in the scope of elite families.Rent seeking in practice is menjualbelikan public office held bypublic officials in order to obtain economic kekuntungan, whopractice the character "corrupt". Such practices can be seen clearlyin the New Order, who at the time it happened capital distributionwhich only enjoyed a handful of people or businesses (whichgenerally is the Suharto family) and there are monopolistic practicesin the production.
As presented by Amien Rais of the four types of corruption, it is clear that corruption is however, not be separated from what iscalled conspiracy (the corporation) between the ruler (the ruler is thefirst party that was originally open access to the fraud) withemployers (private sector, which has the potential to providestimulus to the authorities to open access facilities for violations of the law). Corruption or corporate kejahtan also encouraged by theinfluence of desire and greed of a person (in this case is the master), and family demands (corruption nepotistik).
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